4/2/2014 Izvještaj o primjeni Akcionog plana za poglavlje 23 nerazumljiv i neprovjerljiv / Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 incomprehensible and unverifiable
15/11/2013 HRA učestvovala u okruglom stolu “Otvaranje pregovaračkog procesa u okviru poglavlja 23 – Da li smo spremni ili ne” / HRA paticipated in round table “Opening negotiations process within Chapter 23 – Are we ready or not?”
26/07/2013 Saopštenje Koalicije 23 povodom prijetnji smrću Zdravku Cimbaljeviću / Press release of the Coalition 23 on the death threats against Zdravko Cimbaljević
- 16/05/2013 Predstavljen izvještaj Koalicije za praćenje pregovora sa Evropskom unijom – poglavlje 23 / Coalition for monitoring the accession negotiation with the European Union – Chapter 23 presented its report today
- 14/12/2012 Zahtjevi za novu Vladu Koalicije NVO
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Izvještaj o stanju u oblasti reforme pravosuđa i ljudskih prava (poglavlje 23) u Crnoj Gori u periodu od 1.10.2013. do 10.4.2014. / Situation Report in the area of Judicial Reform and Human Rights (Chapter 23) in Montenegro in the period from 1 October 2013 to 4 April 2013
Izvještaj o stanju u oblasti reforme pravosuđa i ljudskih prava (poglavlje 23) u Crnoj Gori u periodu od 10.10.2012. do 1.10.2013. / Situation Report in the area of Judicial Reform and Human Rights (Chapter 23) in Montenegro in the period from 10 October 2012 to 1 October 2013
Izvještaj o stanju u oblasti reforme pravosuđa i ljudskih prava (poglavlje 23) u Crnoj Gori u periodu od 10.10.2012. do 10.04.2013. / Situation Report in the area of Judicial Reform and Human Rights (Chapter 23) in Montenegro in the period 10 October 2012 to 10 April 2013