The purpose of the project is to improve the respect for journalistic ethics and freedom of expression in Montenegro.

Period of implementation: October 2014 – August 2015

Within the project, „Support for Understanding Journalistic Ethics and Freedom of Expression“ funded by the U.S. Embassy Podgorica, the following activities will be carried out from October 2014:

  • Development and maintenance of a webpage for journalists and others who would be able to post questions in regard to journalistic ethics and freedom of expression and receive answers from experts ;
  • Dissemination of weekly emails (through a list-serve) containing summary on questions posed by journalists and answers given by experts ;
  • Continuation of publication monthly bulletins on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights containing monthly overview of judgments regarding freedom of expression, as well as thematic issues on, for example, access to information, publication of confidential material, use of surveillance footage, hate speech, defamation, insult, etc..
  • Development and publication of an analytical report on the most common issues concerning journalistic ethics that journalists encounter in their work, containing recommendations for improvement of journalistic ethics in accordance with international standards.
  • Presentation of the report, followed by a discussion on the issues of journalistic ethics and the findings of the report.