Within the project „Training for journalists in the field of human rights and freedoms relevant for their professional ethics“ funded by the British Embassy Podgorica, since April 2012 HRA carries out the following activities:
- Workshops for editors and journalists of the Montenegrin media, with peer trainers and experts in law and ethics from the region and the UK. The training will provide education on the European standards of human rights that are particularly relevant for the operation of journalists’ professional tasks, such as freedom of expression with an emphasis on defamation law, protection of privacy, prohibition of discrimination and the fair trial guarantees including the presumption of innocence. The training will also include analysing examples of disrespect for human rights by the journalists in Montenegro and abroad, which were recognised as such by the national courts, journalist self-regulatory bodies or the European Court of Human Rights. The spreadsheet of topics and lecturers may be downloaded here.
- Development of a manual based on international standards, examples of good and bad practices and conclusions of the workshop. The manual will be distributed to all media outlets in Montenegro and posted on HRA website. The manual may also be of use to judges deciding on the breach of human rights by the media or to the general public.
- Legal advice to the media on publication, or assistance to journalists and others whose rights were violated by media. For example, legal assistance may involve advising on the right to publish an answer or response; on filing a suit against media, or providing defence for a journalist who acted in accordance with professional standards.