7/12/09 Case of an unprotected witness Slobodan Pejović – letter to the Supreme State Prosecutor

Slobodan Pejovic must be provided with protection – regional appeal of 70 NGOs
18/12/2009 Joint statement on the occasion of public testimonty of Goran Stankovic, one of the police officers accused for police ill-treatment of Aleksandar Pejanovic

7/12/09 Case of an unprotected witness Slobodan Pejović – letter to the Supreme State Prosecutor

RE: Implementation of the protection measures from the Witness Protection Program in the case of Mr. Slobodan Pejovic (witness for the prosecution, filed as the first one in point 5 of the Supreme State Prosecution’s Department for supression of organized crime, corruption and war crimes indictment, KTS 17/08 of 19 January 2009 – case of War crime against civilian population, so-called „deportation” of Bosnian refugees from Montenegro to the armed forces of the Republic of Srpska on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992).

Download letter to the Supreme State Prosecutor (PDF file)